Arlington Wellbeing

Arlington Wellbeing


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Arlington Snapshot: LavaBarre in the Park

Local residents enjoy a free session hosted by LavaBarre Studio at Gateway Park in Rosslyn on July 12. The outdoor classes are available Tuesday evening 6-7 p.m. through July 26. Each exercise concentrates on concepts of ballet, Pilates and yoga. All are welcome to participate; bring a mat and wear comfortable clothes.

Arlington: Gearing Up for Bike to Work Day

Local cyclists share tips for new riders.

On May 20, expect to see more Arlington commuters leaving the cars in the garage. Annual “Bike to Work” day encourages commuters to try out a car-free lifestyle, and some of the local experts are ready with tips for new riders.

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Many Good Choices for Arlington Seniors

Need a ride to the doctor? Your computer break down? Want to join a group trip to a Nats game?

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Arlington: German Conversation for Fun

Seniors gather weekly in Arlington to engage in German

Last week the theme was "hats." Some people wore hats, and one person brought a computer printout of hats with names and historical dates associated. The weekly German conversation at the Langston-Brown Community and Senior Center is about to begin.

Arlington: Threading Your Way Through the Maze

Help for dementia patients and their families in Arlington; excellent services but many people don’t know what they are.

Laura “Fayse” Howard lives in the house her husband Allen built in South Arlington. The side entrance looks out on bird feeders hanging from a tree he planted. There is a bench big enough for two in the garden. The kitchen is the way kitchens used to be: cozy, galley size. In the living room, there are pictures of family, an antique organ, crocheted blankets, and a rescued dog named Diva who is keeping an eye on things from “her” armchair.

Juggling Grandparenting in Baltimore and Arlington

Making schedules work across the generations.

It is Monday. That means that Mike and Dot Green are caring for their granddaughters Calliope and Thalia Willis in their home on N. 31st Street in Arlington. Dot Green says that Calliope at 3 is very funny and active. She has lots of facial expressions and loves to run … "has to run," Mike Green interjects.

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Treating Arlington

How Virginia’s decision not to expand Medicaid impacts Arlingtonians.

Where do you go when you’re sick?

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Arlington Snapshot: Thanksgiving Meal

Table number 4 is called, the first in line to go through the Thanksgiving lunch line at Lee Senior Center in Arlington on Wednesday, Nov. 18.

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Alexandria/Arlington: Neighborhood Health Offers Health Care Safety Net

Community health center provides comprehensive primary care, dental care, and behavioral health services.

Dr. Basim Khan walks toward the door of the Casey Clinic of Neighborhood Health in Alexandria’s West End, stopping to greet two of his patients by name: “Hey, how is your foot?”

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Arlington: Shea Wins Spelling Bee 67 Years Later

But this time without fainting.

It was a sudden death spell-off between two contestants who had gone through 43 rounds with no mistakes.

Arlington Taking Care of the Whole Child

School Board details its priorities.

If a school system is only taking care of a student between when a student arrives on a bus and when they leave, they are failing that child. At least, that’s the logic behind the 2015-16 Arlington School Board’s priorities.

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Seniors: Just Say No to Scams

Seniors are targeted for scams "because sometimes they just want to talk to people," Bill Ross began the class on Senior Scams at the Langston-Brown Senior Community Center Aug. 26. "Seniors are more vulnerable. They believe the pitches they hear; they have lived a long time and they trust people."

Arlington Snapshot: Bird and Butterfly Friendly

"If you are a bird or a butterfly, what are the three things you need?" Thomas Condenzio asked the 11 attendees at Lee Senior Community Center's class Aug. 26 on “Making Gardens Bird and Butterfly Friendly.”

Arlington: “Flourishing After 55”

“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for Aug. 23-29.

“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs for Aug. 23-29.

Arlington: “Flourishing After 55”

“Flourishing After 55” from Arlington Office of Senior Adult Programs, Aug. 16-22.