Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Choosing To Rise

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Choosing To Rise

As a proud member of the Jewish community, I am disappointed and shocked by the recent events at the JCC. The JCCNV was where I went to elementary school, it was where I first discovered my passion for dance, it was where I went to summer camp, and it was where I felt safe to express my Judaism.

The JCC was home to many of my family and friends, and to wake up in the morning, to the news of it being vandalized with such a powerful symbol, was awful. The Jewish community had a choice to focus on the hatred and discrimination we have been facing for thousands of years, but we chose to rise.

It’s truly empowering to see many different areas of the community united at the JCC to show support after this event. In college, I realized how easy it is to lose the feeling of belonging with the Jewish community. I’ve been so fortunate to have found a safe place to engage with other Jewish students on campus. Many people still don’t feel they are in a community where they are free to practice their religion without getting ostracized or discriminated against. Events like these remind me how important it is to stand tall as a Jewish woman and be proud of my religion.

Deena Dubrow


Junior at James Madison University