Recent Stories

Arlington’s Loss with Death of ‘Mr. Reilly’
A Remembrance
Dr. Reilly Lewis passed away from a sudden cardiac arrest in his home in Arlington on June 9.

Kenmore Students Put Art on the Table in Arlington
Seventh Grade Art students create designer tables for gallery show and sale.
With power tools and the gift of color, Kenmore Middle school art students designed and constructed 39 coffee tables that went on display in the gallery space in Arlington’s Ballston Mall.

Talking with Birds
One Arlington family discusses the joys of adopting several birds and a rabbit.
Thirteen-year-old Julia Adde delights in having her pet parrot, Boo Boo sit with her while she does her homework. Boo Boo, an eclectus parrot, was the fourth and most recent bird to join the Adde household.

Senior Olympics Takes Spotlight
Hundreds participate for Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Whack! Smack! These were the constant sounds going back and forth during the pickleball finals at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center in Arlington.

Bonefish Grill Opens Its Doors
Now open for brunch, lunch and dinner in Pentagon Row.
Located next to the outdoor ice rink in Pentagon Row, Bonefish Grill opened at the end of last month to the public. Cutting the ribbon on opening day were Arlington Chamber President Kate Roche, Arlington County Board member Walter Tejada, Bonefish Grill Managing Partner Jason Steenrod, Bonefish Grill Joint Venture Partner Debra Peterson and Bonefish Grill team members.

AWLA Cats Get New Home
Newly improved facilities unveiled to the public.
The Animal Welfare League of Arlington unveiled its newly renovated cat and small animal facility on Thursday, June 5.

Center Keeps Seniors Fit
The Walter Reed Community Center kicked off a 55+ Fitness Day with Boomer Boot Camp at 9 a.m. on May 14 and ended with an afternoon of meditation at the end of the day.

Protecting Youths Against Substance Abuse
Panel shares stories and advice.
Fairfax County's Unified Prevention Coalition sponsored a forum on the effects of substance abuse on the county's middle and high school children. The resource fair and panel discussion was led by parents, young adults and professionals from the coalition's PROTECT (Parents Reaching Out To Educate Communities Together) task force. "It's been so long, I'll still be emotional about it," said Greg Lannes about his daughter's heroin overdose in 2008. Alicia Lannes had been 19 when she died and had always been a model student with straight A's. He pointed to the lone framed photo of her on the table and asked the audience, "Does that look like a heroin addict? How did she get to that point?"
Easter Fun
The Easter Bunny welcomed warmer weather and perfect sunny skies as he greeted the kids at Upton Hill Park in Arlington on Thursday, April 17.
Spring Fun for Dogs
Say goodbye to the dreadful polar vortex and ring in warmer weather with your dog at James Hunter Park.