Arlington People

Arlington People


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Obituary: Oscar Mecklin Johnson, 89

Oscar Mecklin Johnson, a former senior Capitol Hill journalist and chief adviser to members of Congress who drafted historic legislation, including Title IX, died of natural causes on Jan. 7, 2025, at his Arlington, Va. home with his family.

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When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

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Torri Huske Wins Olympic Gold in Paris

Arlington swimmer wins in Paris.

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Arlington Crime Survivors Advocate Candice Lopez Awarded

Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) presented the bipartisan Crime Survivors and Justice Caucus’ Allied Professional Award to his constituent Candice Lopez of Arlington.

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’Jeopardy’ Intimidating But a Lot of Fun

Inside look at the pressures and joys of being on ‘Jeopardy’


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Painter Dispels Common Myths of Mosaddeq Coup

Painter Dispels Common Myths of Mosaddeq Coup

Children’s and Teens’ Connection at Drew Elementary School

Drew Elementary School, Arlington

Drew Elementary School, Arlington

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‘Freedom Is Not Free’

Ddedication of the Davis and McDaniel Veterans Care Center Dec. 12 in Roanoke. Davis and McDaniel, both Alexandria residents, are highly decorated Vietnam War veterans.

Flourishing After 55 in Arlington

After 55

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Donate a Toy, Make a Child Happy

Toy drive

Flourishing After 55 in Arlington

