Bonnie Hobbs | Stories

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Bonnie Hobbs

Stories by Bonnie

Working Toward World Peace

Sharing her views on peace, faith and helping one’s fellow man, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova participated recently in a peace event at a Chantilly mosque. She was a guest speaker invited by the Women’s Auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, and she said she’s pleased to be in local government where she can have direct involvement with and impact upon her constituents.

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How to Fix I-66?

More lanes, bus rapid transit, rail, spot improvements proposed.

It’s said that nothing’s certain but death and taxes – but most of the time, traffic congestion on I-66 can be added to that list. So VDOT’s seeking input from the public on how best to alleviate it.

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On the Job and Hot on the Trail

Finding people is fun for new, police bloodhound pups.

“We’ll get them out here and acclimate them to the noises — gunfire, [vehicle] brakes and birds,” said Masood. They’ll also be exposed to airplanes, wind, rain, heat, car horns honking, plus obstacles such as fences. And they’ll learn how it feels on their paws to walk in the woods, through brush, on cement, carpet, tile floors, etc. That way, said Clarke, “When they get out on the street, when they’re almost a year old, they’ll be ready.”

Cycling for Campus Safety

Gran Fondo to raise funds for VTV Family Outreach Foundation.

Bicyclists ride to promote campus safety

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President Comes to the Area

Obama rallies his supporters during the campaign stop at Centreville High.

Before President Barack Obama addressed the huge crowd inside Centreville High, Saturday afternoon, Jerry Foltz of Wellspring United Church of Christ gave the invocation.

Herrity, Hugo Respond to Obama’s Visit

Both Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) and Del. Tim Hugo (R-40) held a joint press conference Saturday afternoon, speaking to local Romney supporters prior to President Obama’s campaign rally at Centreville High. Said Herrity: "It was nice to see so many people from Little Rocky Run stop by and pick up Romney signs and stand with us."

30 Years in Prison for Wife’s Murder

‘There’s nothing to defend this crime.’

Consumed by his own irrational fears and demons, Chantilly’s Tony Tong had threatened to kill his wife for years. In October 2010, he did so; and last week in Fairfax County Circuit Court, he was sentenced to 30 years in pri


Free Carseat Inspections

The Play’s the Thing

Chantilly, Westfield finish first, second in one-act competition.

Local students showed off their acting chops last week when Chantilly and Westfield high schools finished first and second, respectively, in the Concorde District portion of the VHSL One-Act Play Competition. It was held Monday, Jan. 30, at Herndon High.

Details of the Offense

In January 2011, Tony Tong had a preliminary hearing in connection with the death of his wife, Kathleen Tran. Homicide Det. Brian Colligan explained the events leading up to the Oct. 22, 2010 tragedy. He said Tran had driven their son John home from a friend’s house and, some time after 1 a.m., they arrived home to find Tong, then 43, furious.

Progress Report from Labor Resource Center

The Centreville Labor Resource Center (CLRC) opened in December and, in nearly two months of operation, registered more than 150 Centreville-area residents who want temporary employment. CLRC’s professional staff and 27 volunteers provide information and quick service to both employers and those seeking work.

‘Dramapalooza’ at Centreville High

One-act play festival takes the stage.

Students take the helm when Centreville High presents "Dramapalooza," its annual, one-act play festival. Show times are Friday, Feb 17, at 7:30 p.m., and Saturday, Feb 18, at 3 p.m. Tickets are $5 at the door.

Campbell Takes a Look Back

Although Mike Campbell will leave Centreville High in July, he’s still delighted to be its principal and is proud of the school’s standing locally and nationwide.

Heading for Huntsville

CVH Principal Campbell retiring, taking job in Alabama.

The way Mike Campbell figures it, his retirement will last all of 24 hours. Centreville High’s principal is leaving the school, this summer, and heading for a new job with Huntsville City Public Schools in Alabama.

Remembering Harry Heisler

Wife mourns husband of 28 years.

Ask Evelyn Heisler what made her husband Harry so special to her, and she answers without hesitation. "He had a razor-sharp wit and a brilliant sense of humor and he made me laugh every day," she said.

Fulfilling a Dream

Ahmadiyya Muslim mosque is almost completed.

Set back from the road, yet perched upon a hill, the mosque that will serve area members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community is nearing completion in Chantilly. Just off Walney Road and Eagle Chase Circle, the 7,200-square-foot place of worship is called the Mubarak mosque which, in Islamic, means "blessed tidings."

‘We’re Really Frustrated’

Homeowner’s insurance company seeks damages from WGL.

Leaving a recent meeting of the Brookfield Civic Association, Thuan Nguyen was not a happy man. After losing his home in a December 2010 gas explosion, he and his family carried on with their lives, but never received definitive answers regarding what caused the blast.

Prayer Schedule and Message of Peace

At the new, Ahmadiyya Muslim mosque in Chantilly, morning prayers will start before sunrise; evening prayers are said approximately 45 minutes after sundown. And the imam will be there to lead the congregation in prayer, seven days a week.

SCC vs. WGL: What’s Next?

State and gas company disagree over report.

The Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) determined that Washington Gas Company [WGL] committed 11 "probable violations" in regard to the December 2010 explosion in Brookfield. But the gas company believes otherwise.

Vandals Damage New Mosque in Chantilly

Windows smashed, property damaged.

The motto of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community is "Love for all, hatred for none." Its Web site is

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Preston Mulford Is Mourned

Local family patriarch dies at 82.

Well-known in the local area, the Mulfords have lived and operated the Mulford School here for decades. But on Jan. 6, the family’s patriarch, Preston Mulford, died at age 82.

Getting Help for Teen Substance-Abusers

If teens want to obtain drugs or alcohol in the local area, it’s fairly easy for them to do so. But it’s also just as easy to get them help for their addictions.


Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012

News briefs for Centreville and Chantilly.

The Horrors of Heroin Use

Three local residents share their stories.

It’s not easy to stand in public and bear one’s soul about life’s most tragic moments, but that’s what Tayler Gibson, Greg Lannes and Greg Richter did recently. Addressing the Sully District Police Station’s Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), they described in detail how heroin had affected their lives.

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Chantilly High Presents Cinderella’s Untold Story

Children’s show is Jan. 27-29.

Although the story of Cinderella is one that’s well-known, leave it to Chantilly High to tell it in a new and hilarious way.

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Alliance Gets Several WATCH Nods

Nominated for community theater awards.

Two musical productions of the Centreville-based, community-theater company, The Alliance Theatre — “Hairspray” and “Little Shop of Horrors — have been nominated for a number of WATCH awards for last year's season.
