Disability and Diversity in Arlington
Fight continues for integration of students with disabilities into new Wilson School site.

Northern Virginia Leads Blue Wave
Democrats sweep statewide races and come close to taking over House of Delegates.
Democrats swept all three statewide seats this week and picked up so many seats in the House of Delegates that control of the chamber is now in doubt. Voters rejected Republican arguments about sanctuary cities and Confederate memorials, divisive issues that had moderate Republicans trying to win over the most extreme elements of President Donald Trump’s coalition.
Arlington Blue
Democrats maintain hold on elected offices in Arlington.
Democrats managed to hold on to key offices like Governor and Lieutenant Governor and turn over a few local elections.
Rorschach Politics
Candidates for governor present inkblots on everything from the economy to Confederate statues.
The campaign for governor is a bit like a Rorschach test as the candidates close in on the final stretch toward Election Day. Democrat Ralph Northam and Republican Ed Gillespie are presenting a series of inkblots to voters about everything from the health of the economy to the value of Confederate statues.

Moderate Republican Challenges Democratic Whip
First-time candidate challenges key figure in House Democratic caucus leadership.
Until this year, three-term Del. Alfonso Lopez (D-49) has never had a Republican opponent.
Democrat Disunity
Alexandria Democrats unite to support ACA, but Warner draws fire for amendment vote.
As Republicans in Congress begin the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more than 100 citizens from throughout the region rallied on Jan. 15 at the Charles Houston Recreation Center in support of affordable healthcare.

Clinton and Kaine Carry Virginia, Trump Seizes Key Battlegrounds
Comstock, Connolly, Beyer re-elected; meals tax voted down; bonds voted up.
MEALS TAX referendum would have allowed Fairfax County supervisors to enact up to a four percent tax on prepared foods and beverages.
Early Voting in Arlington
Early Voting in Arlington

New Year’s Resolutions for Arlington County Board
New leadership faces new challenges and old problems.
While many of the goals set by the Arlington County Board for 2016 were familiar, like expanding school capacity, signs of the new perspectives and new leadership began to take hold at its Jan. 1 meeting.

Arlington Snapshot: Low Voter Turnout
It was a beautiful, sunny day in Arlington for Election Day, but election officials are expecting low-voter turnout.

Arlington: Effort Boosts Voter Turnout
Clergy and lay leaders celebrated the success of a three-day non-partisan, interfaith voter turnout drive that generated an increase in turnout in two particularly low-voting precincts here, as well as more than 1,300 individual conversations with voters about the power of civic engagement.

Arlington: A Business-as-Usual Election
Lack of competitors for offices changes nothing.
“Surprising” is the way Betty Adelman described the absence of representatives from other than the Democratic Party.

Arlington: At the Polls, Voters Fulfill Their Responsibility
26-27 percent turnout anticipated.
Election day dawns cool and crisp.